Maths Week — Year 7 Construction Challenge

“During Maths Week we worked together to create a strong bridge using straws, cellotape and paper. We learnt that triangles are the most suitable shape for bridges. Our bridges had to be able to fit in a 25cm gap and not waste many materials.  Lastly, we put weights on our bridges to see how they held up before there was too much weight.” Reported by Lara Dent, Year 7.

“This Maths Week we made some cool bridges out of straws, paper and string and we had to buy all of our materials with virtual money. It was really good fun and I learnt a lot about how to use money correctly and, more importantly, we learnt how to make a 25cm bridge. Over all, I had a really fun time and I would love to do it again.”  Reported by Rebekah Cloake, Year 7.

Points were awarded to the bridges that held the most weight.  In addition, judges deliberated and added points for teamwork, creativity and organisation.

The winners were:

Session 1: Joel Brewer, Alfie Crampton, Aaron Crowder, Charlie Perry and Daniel Summerfield.

Session 2: Jonny Smith, Ted Smith, Ben Street, Daniel Murray, and Finley Ahara.

Maths challenge 2




Posted on: 05/03/2019