Celebrating Success

We are passionate as a school, to celebrate success in all of its forms and guises. From the very beginning of Year 7, students are rewarded for the quality of their work, effort, excellent attitude, good attendance and punctuality. We believe this encourages students to try their very best in all they do and promotes good habits that will be essential for the work place. 

As students move through the school, the nature of the reward changes but always underpins our central belief that effort and application deserve recognition. We are also keen to reward those students that make a significant and positive contribution to the life and reputation of the school. 
The pinnacle of our rewards system has to be our annual Celebration of Achievement Evening, which provides us with an opportunity to showcase to parents and special guests the wide array of successes that have been recognised throughout the course of the year. Earning prizes for academic excellence, sporting prowess and services to the school, there really is opportunity for everyone to be recognised, no matter what their strengths.