Posted on: 28/02/2020SKY SPORTS PE TRIP“On Wednesday 26th February, 30 of us went to the Sky Sports Studios and took part in a number of activities that included learning about how Sky help the planet and people around the world. We also created a news report. When we got there, we first looked at how Sky and other companies are coming up with innovative ways to help the planet. These included: cardboard water bottles and edible seaweed cups that hold sauce to lower the use of plastic. We then went into the studio and became a ‘Sky Sports News Team’. We split up into three different groups and recorded part of a news report with professional equipment. My group focused on how professional athletes keep a healthy diet and tips for others on how to keep a healthy diet. All of the group’s clips were joined together to make a news report on healthy eating. I enjoyed this trip because it showed me how many jobs are out there to do with sports and how Sky is helping our planet and the people on it.” Reported by Harmony Murray, Year 8
Posted on: 28/02/2020SMS PRESENTS THE CHANGING ROOMSunbury Manor are proud to present their production of ‘The Changing Room’ by Chris Bush. The Drama students have been busy rehearsing to bring this exciting play for two nights only, so don’t miss out! Wednesday 11th March Thursday 12th March 7.00pm Tickets are available on Wisepay. Set in and around a swimming pool, Chris Bush's play The Changing Room follows a group of teenagers full of excitement, impatience and uncertainty, written specifically for young people. The students will have the amazing opportunity to perform the play at The Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith later on this year as part of the National Theatre Connections Festival 2020.
Posted on: 24/02/2020HEATHROW YOUNG INNOVATORS WORKSHOP“On Monday 13th of January, a group called ‘Heathrow Young Innovators’ delivered a workshop for a group of Year 8 students. Firstly, they went through what it meant for something to be sustainable. This was interesting as we got an idea of how Heathrow is working hard to make itself more sustainable. Next, we learnt about a few of the jobs at Heathrow and how varied the different careers are. We heard this from the volunteers who came from Heathrow specially for our workshop. They told us about their own jobs and how they were an important part of Heathrow. This was very interesting as we learnt that there are many different jobs at Heathrow that aren’t just pilots or flight attendants. In groups of three we were then told about our task, which was to design a new lounge for Heathrow. We chose a specific passenger to cater for by rolling a dice. We then went on to design a lounge for our specific passenger. The amazing Heathrow volunteers helped us and gave us ideas. After lunch we were given laptops and 3D objects on PowerPoint to create a 3D version of our lounge. After we had finished drawing and creating our lounges, the Heathrow volunteers judged our lounges and chose a winner.” The winners won an awesome Heathrow water bottle each! By Jessica Cloake (Year 8).
Posted on: 24/02/2020MATHS WEEKThe Maths department had a packed week during maths week, with activities that included all year groups. Year 10s took part in the UKMT Challenge Year 9s took part in financial maths Year 7 and 8 received Explore Learning Workshops In addition, they ran a TT Rockstars competition for Year 7 and Year 8. Congratulations to the students below who came in the top 3 for each year group. Year 7 Year 8 1st Pranav Srinivasan Emma Ireland 2nd Harry McNeice Harshi Gopinath Yadava 3rd Aaron Bull Romeo Burkin As part of the Year 9 financial maths lessons, students had to design a poster (using Maths) to advertise their chosen career. Frank Ellis looked into maths in accounting and won the Year 9 competition with his entry! Well done to all the students who took part in Maths Week!