Part of the Year 11 Citizenship GCSE is to undertake an action project on a chosen area that the students feel requires addressing within society. Previous years have seen students hold live debates on the radio, run whole school referendums and inter year debate workshops. This year students targeted the seriousness of tackling youth crime by holding a debate conference with the Headteacher. The students also highlighted the benefits of immigration to the UK, by delivering a range of assemblies and lessons to Year 8 students.  The students pictured decided to run a workshop whereby 16-year olds register to vote on the electoral register, which they believe will add strength to the argument for 16-year olds to be given the vote, thus encouraging MPs to take this matter back to the House of Commons for debate.

This is always a great opportunity for young people to actively play a part in the society they live and gives them first hand experience at bringing about change to a cause they feel passionately about. 

Citizenship action project










Posted on: 06/01/2020